Friday, January 10, 2025

First impressions of 2025 at Fallowfield Station

I needed to do something. My family's new house had sprung a leak, as in the outside air (-28C with the wind at one point) was gushing into a room in our house, making things very unpleasant. I have been wrestling with many renovations to our new house, which has been neglected for years and is in need of some TLC.

But on Wednesday night, I had had my share of being cold and frustrated in my own house, so I decided to be cold and frustrated outside and maybe see a few trains. My daughters were at a nearby dance class and I had no errands to run. Time for some nighttime photography at Fallowfield Station in Barrhaven.

Unluckily for Via Rail, but luckily for me, the ongoing drama over the Venture trainsets has altered Via's schedule, but has created opportunities for railfans. For me, it meant that Train 59 westbound, which usually arrives at Fallowfield shortly after 6 p.m., was due to arrive at 6:20 p.m. At the same time, a late eastbound Train 644 from Toronto was due to arrive at 6:23 p.m. In fact, Train 644 arrived first on the station siding (track two), while Train 59 could be seen meandering west down the Smiths Falls Sub, just east of the Woodroffe Avenue crossing, waiting for 644's passengers to get across the main line onto the station platform. 

In other words, it was a meet at night in the blowing snow. I only had my iPhone, as it was a spur-of-the-moment decision to try my luck, but I was quite happy with what I got, considering the limitations of an iPhone camera.

This was the scene shortly before the meet, looking east toward Ottawa and Federal Junction, in particular. Can you feel how cold it was by this photo? You can see a light sheen of ice and snow on the platform. The blur around the red signal lights was mostly due to the blowing snow.

This is a shot of Train 644 arriving nearly an hour late at Fallowfield, as a Venture set leads the way home for travellers on track two. It looks a bit blurred, but much of that was the blowing snow. I like the look it gives the train, as if it is tearing by the station at speed, which was not the case.

I went to the east side of the station platform to get a still shot, as the train was parked to allow passengers to hustle into the waiting arms of loved ones and the hopefully warm confines of cars that would take them home.

I like this shot because it's less blurry, but it also has a darker feel, since I was positioned a little further away from the platform light standards. You can feel the dark, cold night of an Ottawa winter in this shot. You can also see a few brave passengers on the main platform awaiting the westbound Train 59 on the main. 

It was ambling up the track at this point, far from its normal speed. In fact, I noticed at one point that the signals at Woodroffe Avenue activated too soon, as Train 59 was nowhere near the road, to my eye, anyway. The lights then shut off again and the guards went back up. At this point, Train 644 had crept forward on the siding, awaiting clearance to proceed to Ottawa Station, just as soon as Train 59 made its way to Fallowfield on the main.

Here's a shot I like, and it doesn't even really give you any idea of the profile of either engine. I like train shots that sometimes don't conform to our usual shots. I really like how this one turned out. You can see the blowing snow affecting the light and you can see the effect of the F40 lights on the Venture coaches.

Here's one final closer shot of Train 59, which was a consist of six LRC coaches being led by an F40. When the consist went by, I marvelled at how beat-up the LRC equipment looked. Decades of dents, nicks, scratches and abuse seem to have left their mark.

All in all, it was a peaceful few minutes at the station. I love being trackside for a few minutes, with nothing else to do but watch the trains go by. Good therapy.


  1. Thanks for sharing this, Michael. Your photos allowed me to confirm some Venture consist information I'm amassing. VIA's rotation diagram is in flux and I think it will return to normal after the Christmas-vacation cancellations in mid-February.

    Hope your house will be feeling better soon!

  2. Even if it wasn't intentional, I'll take the credit! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Nice series of photos! I felt cold looking at your post. I hope your home is warmer now!
