Thursday, April 28, 2016


April 30 marks three years and 156 posts since I first started blogging about railways on The Beachburg Sub. You can read the first post here and have a good laugh. I look back on what I first posted and am glad for all I have learned since then.

I think about what I've learned and experienced since then as a rail fan and it's the difference between seeing things in black and white...

... and colour!

Thanks to everyone for stopping by, whether you've been here since the beginning or have just recently discovered my little corner of the Interweb. I've had a lot of fun doing this, although I have to admit it has been rather challenging constantly finding enough material up here in Ottawa to fill this space on weekly basis. Thankfully, there's so much more out there beyond this city that interests me and hopefully you as well.

Even if I didn't expand my scope beyond Ottawa, I think I could keep people coming back simply by chasing the Arnprior local, CN 589 (some interesting news about this shortly).

As a way of moving forward, I'm pleased to share a few changes I've made in an effort to further entertain fellow rail enthusiasts and share more photos. I've recently uploaded many of my photos onto my Flikr page, which you can visit at anytime. I've divided a number of my photos by theme and geography, so you can easily find what you might be looking for. Feel free to drop by and spend some time. I should warn you that I mainly uploaded the photos as a way of backing up my photos. With that in mind, please be patient as many of my photos are not yet attached to specific captions. I will get to it eventually, but it will take some time.

Also, you might have noticed on the right of the blog's main page that I've added a number of links to some of my most popular posts. I might add links to other popular posts in the coming weeks and months as well.

It's been a great ride so far. Stay tuned for more!

Top photo: Work train in Sarnia in 1951 (Canada Science and Technology Museum archives). Second photo: CN interchange train in Sarnia Yard in August 2014.


  1. Congrats on making it to 3!


  2. Congratulations on your three years, and I look forward to many more!

  3. Thanks, Dave and Steve. I look forward to full steam ahead in the coming years.

  4. Keep up the good work, Michael. Your posts are always enjoyable reads, and I really appreciate how you've grown a community feeling around your posts, photos and comments CN freights, transit and future opportunities in the Ottawa region.

    Blogging is fun!

  5. Much appreciated, Eric. I can't take credit for the community that has grown and contributed. That is thanks to everyone that has stopped by, including you.
