Thursday, December 19, 2013

Last Stop for The Beachburg Sub in 2013

That's a wrap for 2013. The Beachburg Sub has reached the end of the line for the year. I am travelling to southwestern Ontario to see family over the Christmas holidays and will be unable to blog until the New Year. On the plus side, I intend to take lots of photos of railroading down south and will have lots of new material to share next year.

I started this blog in April with the vague notion that I wanted to blog about my passion for railroading in some way. I had been reading a few railway blogs that gave me the inspiration to start. I was a little intimidated to begin, since the internet is often a cruel, unforgiving place if you don't know what you are talking about. I would never describe myself as a railway expert, but I do know that I am a fan. I am thankful for my fellow bloggers and fellow enthusiasts who have been supportive of the blog and have offered excellent feedback. I have learned a great deal so far and hope you have enjoyed the ride to this point.

Thank you to everyone who has been riding along. Merry Christmas to all!



  1. All the best over the holidays and see you in the new year!

  2. Looking forward to more in the New Year!

  3. Keep up the good work, Michael! The internet is cruel because there are a lot of pathetic trolls (self-professed experts?) who live on their computers instead of being out trackside, breathing clean air and watching the trains roll, like us railfans :)

    Please continue being a fan. You have a growing audience who enjoy your regular posts, me included.

    Merry Christmas, safe travels and all the best for 2014!

  4. Thank you gentlemen. Your words are appreciated. See you all in 2014.

  5. I was able to record some of the dismantling of the Beachburg Sub earlier this year. Here's a link to a video.

  6. Thanks for the link, David. It's a worth the time checking out this video, for all those who are interested in the Beachburg Sub. It seems like we will see the remainder of this sub torn up soon, judging by what I've heard recently.
